Every professional needs a good voicemail message, but none more so than those in real estate. Often away from office and unable to take a call due to open homes or meeting with potential clients, real estate is maybe one of the only professions where missing the phone is a solid indicator of how well you are doing!

This means that an agents voicemail must do multiple jobs in order to get all the information needed while welcoming and inviting the caller. A bad voicemail message could mean losing vital contact with a future client – and that all too important commission.

Make sure you check your voicemail contains the following key information:

While you may wonder why this even needs to be stated, an astonishing number of real estate agents are missing this very basic information on their voicemail. Never forget you are not just selling property, you are also selling yourself as a brand. State your name clearly.

  • Estate firm.

Let the caller hear who you are connected with and where you work. Again this is to strengthen your brand.

  • Other contact.

Give the caller alternative contact options such as a postal address or email. Not only can this encourage messages go through the right channels, it will make you seem accommodating and keen to hear from the caller.

  • Social media.

Briefly touch on your Facebook or twitter accounts. It’s important to present yourself as technologically able, and also gives your caller yet another outlet to contact you.

  • Specialty.

If you have a specialty such as commercial or holiday homes; or if you have a lot of knowledge of a particular area / location, be sure to let your caller know.

  • Return contact time.

Don’t just say ‘I’ll call you back as soon as possible.’ Let your caller know as specifically as possible, try ‘I will call you back within 24 hours’ or ‘I return your call after 3pm today’.


If that sounds like a lot of information for just one short message then think again, you can convey everything you need in a compact statement like the following:

“Hello, this is Jack Jackson of ABC realtors, experts in residential properties in the Golden Bay area. I’m sorry that I can’t take your call right now but if you leave a message I’ll call you back

between 2 & 5 pm today. You can also email me at [email protected] or tweet @jacksonABC

Clear, conscise, and professional – great voicemail that has everything a potential client needs to hear.