Automated phone calls can be extremely useful for large businesses with a number of departments. They allow you to direct a customer’s call to the right department within your business, without actually having to speak to the caller. This saves valuable human resources, and can help prevent phone line congestion.
When developing an automated phone call system, it is very important to make sure that you include all of the relevant and necessary information. There is nothing worse – as a caller – than not really knowing what numbers to press or how to get the information that you want. Make sure that everything is extremely clear, and make sure that you include any information you can think of.
Following are four essential things to include in an automated phone call:
- An informative welcome message:
It is extremely important to make sure that you include a decent, informative welcome message when you are creating an automated phone call. Include things like the name of your company/business, your address, and, if relevant, your opening hours.
Doing this will help your caller understand who they are dealing with, and will reduce the chance of them hanging up when they realise that they aren’t talking to a real person. If you are unsure about exactly what sort of welcome message to include, ask the experts at OHVO for a hand!
- Get to the point quickly:
As a caller, there is nothing worse than being stuck listening to an agonisingly long welcome message, only to have to listen to the next lot of boring information. Make your automated phone calls short and sharp, as this will increase your conversion rate and reduce the chance of callers hanging up quickly. Say what you need to say as close to the start of the call as possible, and add extra information after if you would like to.
- Let callers talk to a real person if they need to:
While automated phone calls are good, they can never replace the experience of talking to a real person. A lot of people – especially from the younger generations – are comfortable talking to a robotic voice on the phone, but a lot more aren’t. Older people, in particular, may be uncomfortable sharing information with anyone other than a real person, and you will likely lose these callers if you don’t give them the choice to speak to someone.
- Make any choices very clear:
If you require your callers to make choices during the automated phone call, make sure that they understand exactly what their options are. Doing this will make sure that they are able to give you accurate information, that they aren’t mistakenly pressing the wrong button, and that they don’t hang up because your requirements aren’t clear.
Final Word:
When constructing an automated phone message, make sure that you get to the point quickly, that you include relevant information, and that you don’t make things too confusing for your callers. As long as you keep it simple, you should have no problems using an automated phone call!